When Should We Pray?
In Ephesians 6:18,
Paul wrote, “With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and
with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all
the saints.” When
should we pray? Paul said that Christians ought to pray “at all times.” In other words, we should pray ALWAYS, in
When should we pray? Now! And always!
Without ceasing! Prayer is that
important. We ought to be doing it all
the time because we certainly need it all the time to be strong and maintain
our great relationship with the Lord.
Earlier in
Ephesians 6:10ff, Paul wrote about all kinds of things we need in order to be
strong: the BELT of truth, the BREASTPLATE of righteousness, the BOOTS of the gospel
of peace, the SHIELD of faith, the HELMET of salvation, and the SWORD of the
Spirit, which is the Word of God.
Then notice in v18
he saves PRAYER for LAST. Is it because prayer is to be
our last resort? After we’ve tried
everything else and nothing else works? Certainly not! I think
Paul saves it for last in this list because it is the MOST IMPORTANT WEAPON of all!
And it is the weapon that is to be used
in combination with all the rest.
We should be
praying WHEN we’re girding our loins (wrapping ourselves) with truth, WHEN we put
on the breastplate of righteousness, WHEN we are shodding our feet with the gospel of peace, WHEN we
are holding up the shield of faith, and WHEN we are putting on the helmet of
Pray at all
times. Pray when you’re sad, and pray when you’re happy. Pray when you’re hurting, and pray when you’re
feeling better. Pray when you’re anxious,
and pray when you’re at peace.
You’re driving your
car on a rain slick road, and suddenly you lose control and are headed toward an
oncoming car at 50 mph! What do you do? YOU PRAY! But what do you do when the weather is nice
and the drive is calm and peaceful? YOU
The doctor comes
into your exam room with the test results and a worried frown on his face. What
do you do? You pray! But what do you do when you’re well and
healthy and sitting at your desk at work or at school or raking leaves or
resting in your recliner? YOU PRAY.
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