A Godly Man
Psalm 101 is a great outline of what a godly man, a godly husband, and a godly father should be like. David wrote this Psalm as a profession of his desire for personal integrity. Through all of these verses, we can insert a godly man and see what we should strive to be and accept.
1. A godly man will sing of loving kindness and justice. To You, O Lord, a godly man will sing praises. (Verse 1) Men should not be afraid to express the love that they have for God. If we truly love God, then He will radiate through us no matter what.
2. A godly man will give heed to the blameless way. A godly man will walk within his house in the integrity of his heart. (Verse 2) Men of God should strive each and every day to walk down the middle of the straight and narrow path that He has set before us. We should be careful about allowing ourselves to sway from side to side.
3. A godly man will set no worthless thing before his eyes. A godly man hates the work of those who fall away; it shall not fasten its grip on him. (Verse 3) Men of God should not allow for unholy things and/or people to gain a foothold in their lives. If the head of the house allows this, then he opens the door to his family also.
4. A perverse heart shall depart from a godly man; he will know no evil. (Verse 4) A man of God should have his eyes focused on God at all times so that nothing other than God can enter in and influence him.
5. A godly man will not keep company with those with haughty looks and arrogant hearts or those who slander others. (Verse 5) Godly men are careful of the company they keep.
6. A godly man does not let those who practice deceit dwell within his house; those who speak falsehood shall not stand with a godly man. (Verse 7) Godly men do not allow for things contrary to God to enter into their houses and have a chance at afflicting damage on their families.
7. Every morning a godly man will destroy all the wicked of the land so as to cut off from the city of the Lord all those who do iniquity. (Verse 8) Godly men will get down on their knees every morning and seek the face of God. They will ask for repentance for the things contrary to God that they have committed, and they will shower their families with prayers.
Are you a godly man, a godly husband, and a godly father?
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