
Showing posts from December, 2019
A Great Book if Applied   While studying in the Holy Lands, a seminary professor heard about a man who claimed to have memorized the entire Old Testament , and in Hebrew!   Needless to say, the professor was astonished , and he asked to meet the man and see a demonstration.   A few days late r they sat together in the man ’ s home.  “ Where shall we begin? ” asked the man.  “How about Psalm 1 ?” replied the professor, who happened to be an avid student of the P salms.   Beginning with Psalm 1:1, the man began to recite from memory while the professor followed along in his Hebrew Bible.   For two hours the man continued word for word without a mistake as the professor sat in stunned silence.  Finally, w hen the demonstration was over, the professor discovered something even more astonishing about the man .  H e was an atheist!   Here was someone who knew the Scriptures better than most Christians ever will, and yet he di...
Declared Legally Dead as He Sat Before the Judge    The title above was also the title of an article published in the New York Times on October 11, 2013.  Written by John Schwartz, it tells about a man named Donald Miller Jr., a man who was declared legally dead in 1994.  He had vanished from his home eight years earlier.  Miller, age 61, told Hancock County Probate Court Judge Allan Davis that he disappeared in the 1980s because he was an alcoholic and had lost his job.  His ex-wife claimed that he had vanished because he owed $26,000 in overdue child support payments.  Miller lived in Florida and Georgia before returning to Ohio around 2005.  He said his parents told him about his “death” when he came back to the state.  So Miller went to court to ask the Probate Judge to reverse the 1994 ruling that declared him legally dead.  He wanted to obtain a driver’s license and reinstate his Social Security number. But Judge Dav...