
Showing posts from July, 2019
T hings I Learned in Africa    I have some very dear friends who are right now in Africa on a mission trip.   While thinking about and praying for them, I remembered something I once wrote several years ago after returning from my first trip to Africa.   Here it is... 1.     People in Swaziland are very friendly, but they drive on the wrong side of the road.   Their hot and cold water faucets are also on opposite sides than we have. 2.     God is not exclusively American.   The Holy Spirit is alive and well and dwelling within the hearts of our brothers and sisters in Africa. 3.     There are still people who want to hear the word of God.   They’re glad to sit on the ground or on a rock outside their home.   They’re even willing to walk in wintertime darkness to gather with the church to learn more of what the Bible teaches. 4.     God blesses different people in different ways.   W...
God’s Wonderful Blessings    One afternoon a shopper at the local mall felt the need for a coffee break.  She bought herself a little bag of cookies and put them in her shopping bag.  After purchasing a cup of coffee, she found a place to sit at one of the crowded tables.  Taking the lid off her coffee and taking out a magazine, she began to sip her coffee and read.  Across the table from her a man sat reading a newspaper. After a minute or two she reached out and took a cookie.  As she did, the man seated across the table reached out and took one too.  This put her off, but she did not say anything.  A few moments later she took another cookie.  Once again the man did so too.  Now she was getting a bit upset, but still she did not say anything. After having a couple of sips of coffee, she once again took another cookie.  So did the man.  She was really up...
Do You Believe in the Power of Prayer?    While crossing the Atlantic on an ocean liner, a preacher was asked to address the first class passengers. At the captain's request, he spoke on "Answered Prayer." An agnostic who was present at the service was asked by his friends, "What did you think of the preacher's sermon?" He answered, "I didn't believe a word of it." That afternoon that same preacher went to speak to the steerage passengers. Many of the listeners at his morning address went along, including the a gnostic, who claimed he just wanted to "hear what the babbler had to say." Before starting for the service, the agnostic put two oranges in his pocket. On his way he passed an elderly woman sitting in her deck chair fast asleep. He noticed that her hands were open, and so in the spirit of fun, the agnostic put the two oranges in her outstretched palms. After the meeting, he saw the old lady happily eating one of the pie...